The PTLevel is FCC IC Certified!
What Is FCC Certification?
In the United States, stringent standards are in place for products that have the potential to generate electromagnetic interference. These standards aim to minimize radio frequency (RF) interference among electronic devices, ensuring that any electronic device or equipment sold in the country does not compromise the safety of the American public or disrupt the functioning of other electronic products.
What is IC Certification
IC, Industry Canada, is the regulatory authority in Canada responsible for regulating and certifying Radio Frequency devices. Similar to the FCC in the United States, IC sets rules and standards for the use of RF devices in Canada.
Manufacturers and importers of RF devices in Canada are required to obtain IC certification to ensure that their products meet the necessary technical requirements and do not interfere with other wireless services. IC certification is often referred to as "IC certification" or "IC registration."
Why Does the PTLevel need to be Certified?
FCC certification is required for the
Long Range Wireless PTLevel due to its use of both a Receiver and a Transmitter, which can be located up to 1km apart for transmitting tank liquid level data. Read more about the range
What is the Process for Becoming FCC Certified?
The FCC utilizes three distinct processes within the EMC directive to issue certificates of compliance for electronic devices. The specific method of authorization hinges on the nature of the device and the level of RF (radio frequency) emissions it produces. Depending on the type of device you intend to manufacture or distribute, the FCC will determine the appropriate screening method:
Verification (47 CFR Section 2.902)
Verification represents the simplest path to secure an FCC certificate. This method is suitable for digital products with Part 15 components, qualifying them for Part 15 certification. Part 15 devices either lack radios or incorporate radios with prior approval. Such devices only require verification and do not need explicit approval or a certified FCC logo.
The Declaration of Conformity (DoC) process is the second easiest route to FCC certification. It applies to devices that are categorized as personal computers or peripherals of personal computers, which fall under Part 18. To obtain DoC approval, devices must undergo testing in an accredited laboratory to measure emitted radio frequency levels. Approved products must display the FCC logo as evidence of compliance with regulations.
Certification (47 CFR Section 2.907)
Certification represents the most challenging FCC approval process, reserved for devices with the potential to emit high levels of radio frequency interference that could harm the public. Certification must be authorized and issued for radio frequency devices by an official Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB). TCBs review the product's documentation and test results following the mandatory testing process.
To learn more about the PTLevel, visit our
IC: 23939-PTLEVEL20T
CAN ICES - 3(B)/NMB-3(B)