How Long is the Power Cord?

The PTLevel WiFi Wired power cord is 8 feet long.
You can extend the power line to a more distant location if you need. All that is required are waterproof connectors. Polarity matters.
If you have an existing Ethernet cable near by, you can use a POE splitter to provide the power to the PTLevel.
Power Specifications:
• 4V to 9V DC input range
• 85mA average power draw
• Polarity dependent
• 110V - 220V 50/60Hz Wall adapter - 5v DC 500mA output

Do not run a cable longer than 50 feet due to voltage drop. (Voltage drop is the known phenomenon where the voltage at the end of a run of cable is lower than at the start. Any length or size of cable will have a resistance, and running a current through this resistance will cause the voltage to drop.)
Here are some products we suggest using to extend your power cable:
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